Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Session 65

PCs (lvl 19): Halbarad, Morg, Torak, Salina

The party leaves Pakk's sanctum and travel west, out of the Forest Ridge. After a few days in the desert, they meet a scouting party of thri-kreen resting in the shadows of some ancient ruins built around a watering pool. 

The creatures seem erratic, clearly affected by the psionic malady. Only their leader is unaffected by the curse, thanks to a crystal she wears at her neck. The PCs' actions trigger a frenzy in the thri-kreen, and the party is forced into a battle. Having knocked them unconscious, the PCs gather some info from their leader.

The thri-kreen are part of a large horde led by the psionicist Chax-chix, and they're preparing themselves to travel to the Dragon Crown Mountains to end the psionic curse. The PCs learn of the location of the horde, but decide to travel separately from the thri-kreen, to avoid enraging them again. The thri-kreen depart, and the party explores the ruins, when they get ambushed by a savage kludz.

A few hours later the PCs resume their travels, and they chance upon an abandoned camp. There they find a lonely elven sheperd, and from him they learn this was a Urikite camp. The camp was attacked by frenzied thri-kreen and is now empty. The party also finds a scroll bearing the sigil of Hamanu, wherein he lays claim to the lands west of the Forest Ridge. It looks clear that old enemies will be waiting for the party in the west.

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